
E23: On Mentoring Leaders with Marcos Ferreira and Myron Daum
A conversation about leaders mentoring leaders.

E21: Matt Cohen on Church Planting
In this episode, Jeremy and Andrew engage with Matt Cohen, pastor of City Light Church in Philadelphia, about church planting.

E16: On Pastoring in a Small Town with Nathan McKeen and Wade McGee
In this episode, pastors Wade McGee and Nathan McKeen discuss the joys and challenges of pastoring in a small town or rural setting.

E15: On Training Leaders with Chris Davis
Chris Davis, founder of globalLead, discusses the importance of training leaders in ministry.

Episode 14: David Lane on Creating a Culture of Discipleship
In this conversation, Jeremy and David discuss the importance of discipleship and how to develop a culture of disciple-making in the local church.

E9: A Conversation About the Great Commission with Brian Dainsberg
In this conversation, Brian joins Jeremy and Andrew to discuss his recent article on the Great Commission and its importance in the mission of the church.

E3: Discussing Biblical Interpretation (Hermeneutics) with Joel Van Hoogen
Joel Van Hoogen discusses his article on biblical hermeneutics, which is the science of interpretation, and its importance in understanding and applying the Word of God.

E2: An Interview with John Kitchen on Titus 1:9
In this episode, John Kitchen discusses his article on Titus 1:9 and its significance for the church.

E1: Introducing the 1:9 Alliance
Check out the first episode of the 1:9 Podcast! Jeremy and Andrew discuss the vision and mission of the 1:9 and answer various questions related to this kingdom-minded network.