
Pastor, Preach the Revelation of Jesus Christ
If we avoid Revelation, we will be depriving our people of some of the most powerful and awe-inspiring images of Jesus Christ in all of Scripture.

Slavery in the Torah and Jewish Society
God’s instructions regarding slavery in the Torah were designed for the welfare and freedom of the individual.

Love of Country
American Christians do our nation a great service when they proclaim the gospel boldly within it and take this gospel most intentionally from it to the rest of the world.

Statement of Faith Changes: Scripture
We are committed to living under the authority of God’s written word, the Bible.

Statement of Faith Changes: Premillenialism
The Millennium is incentive. A robust service to Christ draws less upon nostalgia and more on anticipation.

Corporate Worship as Discipleship
What if the most effective way of preventing Sunday-only disciples is emphasizing the importance of making disciples on Sundays?

Statement of Faith Changes: Hell
Does the C&MA believe that hell is a place of eternal conscious torment, or potentially eternal conscious anguish?

The Power of the Pastoral Prayer
Corporate worship is intended to disciple believers, and one of the primary means of doing so is through prayer.

The Perspicuity of the Scriptures and the Battle for Truth
The perspicuity of the Scriptures is an essential piece in the puzzle of understanding God’s original intent in what his revealed Word is saying to us.

Prayer Is Work
Many people ask, “Does prayer work?” A better question would be, “Do I view prayer as work?”

God has Spoken
A firm grip on the Word of God is required to guide others in sound doctrine. To advance and steward the doctrines and Christocentric distinctives historically upheld within the C&MA a new generation of young leaders and pastors must commit to biblical exegesis and faithful expositional preaching.