
Is Expository Preaching Biblical?
The heart of expository preaching is to be biblical. Thus, the question strikes at the essence of the very thing itself.

Divine Healing
Finding the authority for divine healing in the atonement, and faithfully practicing it in our ministries.

A. B. Simpson and the Making of Modern Evangelicalism by Daryn Henry: A Review
This biography of Simpson is the first of its kind and highlights how the founder of the C&MA spoke to the priorities of the 1:9 Alliance.

1:9 Alliance: Complementarian Design
God created men and women differently and strategically.

1:9 Alliance: The Great Commission
The mission of the church is to make disciples of all nations.

1:9 Alliance: Spirit Dependency
Being fully dependent upon the Holy Spirit for all of life and ministry, and renouncing every form of self-reliance.

1:9 Alliance: Expository Preaching
Text-driven preaching that accurately proclaims and applies the Word of God.

1:9 Alliance: Scripture
The authority and sufficiency of Scripture are truths that must be lived by, not merely affirmed.

Titus 1:9 - An Exposition
Faithfulness is at the heart of the 1:9 Alliance. Titus 1:9 lights the way.